You can enable and install Java on Lion and Mountain Lion using the following guide: Tomcat 7 requires Java 1.6 to be installed on your Apple Mac based computer, if your running Leopard (10.5) or Snow Leopard (10.6) you are good to go already as these versions of OSX comes pre-installed with Java, however users of OSX Lion (10.7) and more than likely Mountain Lion (10.8) will need to enable Java of which I’ll now explain how to do so, if your not using Lion or Mountain Lion you can skips to the main install notes now! Enabling Java on OSX Lion and OSX Mountain Lion Tomcat 7 is the first release of Tomcat to support the Servlet 3.0, EL 2.2 and JSP 2.2 specifications. I’ve made the switch over to Apple on my development machines and as I’m starting my new company soon I’ve got myself a new MacBook Pro machine of which I will be transporting to and from the office so I’ve been installing my entire development on it and thought I’d blog about how to set-up Tomcat 7 on MacOSX to use as a development environment… It’s rather straight forward but thought I’d post it up anyway to help others!